BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, June 15, 2008

What have the boys been up to!

I just wanted to say a little now about my boys!! The loves of my life!

Colby what cute rambunckious(sp) boy. He is so cute. He is starting to sign Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, I am a Child of God and Rock a bye( a song him and grandma sing). It's so cute. Out of the blue in the car he just started singing them. I didn't even know he knew them because I hadn't ever gotten him to sing them! I loves CARS (the movie and toy cars) and he loves every sport he can get his hands on! He actually is pretty good with hand and eye coordination!!!

Parker besides being a baby is pretty darn cute!! He is a western Davis through and through. He looks like my dad and heath and he is chunky like us :) He is smiling and just laughed for the first time today it was so cute. He was probably laughing at how funny looking I am but all in all he laughed and it was cute!!!

Well with today being fathers day I just wanted to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY to the best husband in the whole world. Every time I am with my grandma she tells me how lucky I am to have Tim as a husband because he is a great father!!! And that he is. Not many dads will do what he does. HE has gotten up with the kids at night more than I have and has changed more diapers than me.....and he will play with the kids for as long as they want. We love him and love all he does for us and continues to do for us!!! We may be poor financially.....but man we are rich in love.....HAPPY FATHER'S DAY we love you!!!!!


Becca said...

Cute blog. Make sure you check out mine too its if you haven't already. Make sure to post pictures from the Ole woods cross neighborhood BBQ since I won't be able to come. We'll have to BBQ another time if we can coordinate our crazy schedules.

Cal said...

Glad you could join us in the blog world, Congrat's