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Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's done

So I went in at 6:00 am this morning for the PFO fix. They of course had to poke me 3 times to get blood and and IV. I was wheeled into the Cardiac Cath Lab Operating room at about 7:15. I spent most of the time in there just hanging out. They got me ready and prepped and tried to pull the gown out from under me after transfering me to the table. This nurse saw me leaning to one side and came running she thought I was rolling off. But i don't think she was big enough to stop me if I was. They gave me Versed(sp) I was a little nervous that I would turn into the devil incarnate like Parker did. But it just made me sleepy. I was hoping t be asleep....but no they made me stay awake but it wasn't as bad as I thought. They gave me local anesthetic to go through the femoral artery. All I felt though was a little butterfly feeling in my heart when the camera went in and when they put the "helix" in. He said it was the best device because it allowed the thinner part of the heart and the thicker part of the heart to mold around it. I had a 1/2 inch hole and the device was an inch. He said it is in there tight and ain't goin anywhere. I think the actually procedure took about 15 mintues. I was rolled back into the recovery room by 8:15. Dr Sorensen said that this was a fix that needed to be done. It wasn't just a PFO but a ASD atrial septic defect. So it was something that needed to be fix. As some people don't need PFO's fixed. So I am glad I got it done. I was tired for another hour and then I was ready to get up and go. Of course they won't let me. I had to lay flat in bed for 2 hours and not lay. But the amazing feet is that they had me take 3 pills and eat breakfast laying flat on my back. My mom fed me breakfast like a mother bird. It was kind of embarrasing. I have just been hanging out in my room with my hubby watching movies, playing on the internet and taking a few walks around the hallways. I feel just fine. I feel a lump in my throat everyonce in awhile and my IV hurts worse than the incision!! So I think this will be and easy recovery. Thanks everyone for their prayers and concern. It means a lot to us!!! Thanks to my dad and grandma and mom for taking the kids today and playing with them!!! I think they forget me and Tim are their parents!! I am grateful for and awesome family!


Chris and Jamie said...

I've been thinking about you all day! I'm so glad it went well and there were no complications. Now we just hope for the best - that this will resolve most, if not all, of your heartache and pain (no pun intended!) :) Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

dlkenney said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Get well soon and I am glad to hear that your family has been so helpful, because that helps take some stress off of you in this time of need.

Nicole said...

I''m glad it went well and that there weren't any complications. I hope you have a speedy recovery and that it will help solve the other health problems that you were having. Sounds like you have an awesome support system. Good luck!!

Matt and Elisa said...

I'm glad to hear all went well. I hope you end up with the results you want.

Shannon Ireland said...

I am so glad to hear that it went well and we hope the recovery goes great! Good luck with everything!