BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mr Potato Head?

So today Colby woke up from his nap crying. Which he usually cries when he hasn't slept enough and woke from a deeper sleep. I went in to see what was wrong and in the midst of crying he said...."I want a Mr Potato head Cake!" I repeated it to make sure that is what he said. and he said Un huh! It was so so cute....maybe his mom make too many cakes? I guess maybe I will have to try a Mr Potato head cake!


Heather said...

That is so cute!! You are a great cake maker though & he must know you can pull off Mr. Potato Head too!!! Cute updates to your blog! I love your background!!!

dlkenney said...

Once you get that one figured out, you will have to most definately post pictures....what a lucky little boy to be able to make requests for special cakes...what an awesome mom.

Jeanene said...

Kids are so funny!