BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So I went to see Dr Sherm Sorensen the Cardiologist....kind of a weird Duck. he didn't like me saying I was getting old when He's probably older than my dad. I had a Transcranial Doppler done. They put two dopplers on my temples where the arteries that go to my brain are. When she put it on it was a faint heartbeat sound. She put the IV the first try might I add. That doesn't happen that often to me. She then injected aggitated saline(bubbles) into my veins and almost immediately you heard the bubble on the doppler. In a heart without a hole they would get filtered through the lungs and back through the heart before going to the brain. Well the hole in my heart allowed them to go immediately to my brain. The test ranges the amount of bubble from 0(meaning none) to a 5, and then a 5+. Well at resting mine was a 4. When I applied pressure I was a 5+. He also said I have a septic Aneurysm which can collect clots and send them the wrong way. So I have three things against me. Spots on my brain, the 4 & 5+ reading and the aneurysm I have a really high risk for a Stroke. He suggested surgery to close the hole with an artificial something or other :) He will go through my femoral artery and insert the mesh device and it will close the hole off and my heart tissue will grow over it and hold it into place. There is a 99% success rate with this surgery. It's only one night in the hospital and back to mostly normal duties in 2 days. No lifting heavy things for a month or strenuous exercise (not a problem as it hurts to bad to do strenuous exercies). Anyways that's the story for now. I have the surgery scheduled May 27th. Then I follow up with the neurologist a week later to go over the rest of the results and see if they ruled out MS or not. As the Cardiologist said this problem doesn' t rule out MS. It just prevents strokes from the PFO. So the neurologist knows in the future if I continue to have problems that it's not the PFO. I hope this all makes sense!!! Lets hope it's all the PFO.


dlkenney said...

WOW, I am so sorry your are dealing with all of this pain. Hopeing and praying that the surgery will do the trick. Good Luck

Erin Jepsen said...

I am glad they can fix some of it, but why wait so long for the surgery if you are at a high risk for a stroke. Well your in my thoughts, I hope all goes well.

Alisha said...

Oh my goodness Kari-- this is nuts. I'm so so sorry you're going through this! I'll pray that the doctors will know just what to do for you so things can get back to normal. Love ya.

Kari said...

Erin- I guess the asprin I am on will help keep the clots low. and I have had it now for my whole life so what's another month of risk? But it was their next appointment available at the hospital I can go to. So that's why I have to wait!

Jeanene said...

Kari! You are a trooper! You are in my prayers and will continue to be. We love you!

The Baker said...

Hey there momma. Progress is progress, and progress is good. I will be thinking of you. Give a shout if ya need a baked pick-me-up!

The Cary Family said...

You know we LOVE you and will do anything for you!!!
We are always praying for you and your family. hang in there!!

trina said...

I hope the surgery does the trick and that there is nothing else! It's good that progress is being made! I'm sorry you have to go through surgery though. Let me know what I can do to help!

Shannon Ireland said...

Wow, what is going on? We don't talk for a couple months and all sorts of things are going on. I am so sorry that you going through all of this, but are prayers are with you. My Grandma had this surgery about two years ago and it really helped her. She has no more problems with it. So we will keep are fingers crossed that this is all it is. Good luck with the surgery!