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Sunday, July 13, 2008

July so far!

Well July has been a busy one for us. I guess like most of you! We had some fun adventures. We went to Eaglewood Golf course to see fireworks. We Sat just by the 1st hole t-off spot(whatever that is called) There was a little tree for shade that my parents got to sit under so the rest of us got the hot sun! It was fun. My Mom, Dad, Malene, Heath, Angie, Madison, Morgan and our neighbors the Woodruff's and our friends the catenzaro's joined us. It was fun. We played cars. Went down in the crowd and saw a few old friends and watched the Fireworks. Parker even watched them with awe. I had to cover his eyes with the real strob like looking ones and the finally I covered his ears just in case. Colby said he was scared of them and asked for his Mommy(which I doubt he did because he never does. I think Tim was trying to make me feel better). We even didn't get into a traffic jam down the mountain. On the 4th of July We went with Grandma and Grandpa to the centerville parade it seems to be a tradition for us now we always sit by our dentist office. It was fun. I think Colby liked getting the candy. We spent the rest of the day just hanging out. I made enchiladas for dinner and had Grandma and Grandpa over. They were actually pretty good. Just hope I can remember how I made them for next time.

I started a Cake decorating class with Malene last week. It's going to be fun. Of course Malene turns to me in the middle of it and says what have I gotten myself into! Can't wait to see her first cake.

Last night we had our first little sickness with Parker. He has slept through the night since 2 weeks old and last night he kept waking up so finally after an hour of laying with him I unbundled him(which is the reason he sleeps through the night) and he was all sweaty. I felt is head and he was on fire. He had a temperature and he was coughing and snorting when breathing. I fed him thinking he would want to eat because he was awake but I don't think he cared because he is use to not eating at night. Well right when I got done he threw up all over me. Not just spit up but throw up. I didn't know a little think to get rid of so much I felt so bad. Needless to say I was short about 6 hours of sleep. Luckly it was saturday to sunday night so It wasn't a work day of waking up at 4:30 in the morning. He seems better now but I hope he can make it through the night tonight sleeping.

We took Colby to Lagoon for the first time. We took him on easy stuff first like the boats and cars and puff the magic dragon. We finally met up with our friends the catenzaro's and he was more eager to go on rides with their two little boys and Weston was so cute helping him get on the rides. But at the end of the night we took him on the two scarier kids rides. He didn't like us after that. They have a kid type Rocket ride. Yeah he didn't like that. and the swings that go over the lake well they kind of have a kid one and he didn't like that. Oh well we had fun and I had fun watching him.

We went to Kangaroo zoo yesterday with Colby's Cousins will my sister tended them. It's a place that has blow up slides and bouncy stuff. Colby was leary at first but then started to like it. He didn't like the slides at all though. Tim made him go down one and he was so mad. But of course when we went to leave. He threw a fit! Madison was a little dare devil she went down every slide even the one that went up to the ceiling. Nobody tell her parents. But she loved it!!! It was cute to see her go!

Well next weekend starts our camping vacations. I will update you then. Hopefully our camera will be functioning a little better so I can get pictures. Sorry it's been broken!


Julianna said...

We will have to coordinatie next year for the fireworks! Callie hated them. ahah!

I'm so sorry Parker was sick. That is NO fun!!

Um, we are bad parents. Our kids haven't ventured to Kangaroo Zoo or Lagoon yet. Maybe one of these days!

dlkenney said...

Where is Kangaroo Zoo? Sounds like you guys are having a terrific summer so far. It is nice to be able to see pictures of your boys and hear that you guys are doing great.

Guinevere said... has to be fireworks this year! We had so much fun with you guys that are the greatest get-together-planner I know. Thanks for being our AWESOME neighbors and friends!!