BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring has arrived.....well except for the snow

The few nice days we have had have been wonderful! We have been working in the yard, goin on Bike Rides, Blowing Bubbles, going for walks and just plain enjoying it. Attached are some of our activities this month!

Colby playing with the camera and taking a self portrait

Me and the boys hangin out

Parker....well being...sneeky looking

Parker in the last week has just started doing peek-a-boo....this is a shot of him actually covering his eyes.

Peek-a-boo again

Colby got a new doesn't have peddles it is suppose to help them learn balancing better without the training wheels.

Cobly enjoying his new bike and his new bike helmet.

Flowers that have sprung up in the spring. We planted spring bulbs for the first time last them!!! These are my hyanthe.....oh I don't know!

My crokasis...ok I don't know how to spell them or say them but these came really early and I only have two left blooming but they were pretty!

My pretty Tulips...I love these they are short border tulips that come early too. With a pansi in the background

Ok so actually I have planted bulbs before but every year until this one I just got a few green things on this one...but these are tiny little butter cups...really cute

Ok so I had to show the buds on my parkway trees! I can't wait for them to flower and for green things to start coming!

Colby and Tim blowing Tim are you enjoying this? I think not!

Parker doesn't like the grass yet so this is him climbing on me.

Parker and Colby with their Bike helmets on getting ready to go for a bike ride...Parker hated his.

Parker and Colby all loaded up and hooked up to dads bike....Boy did dad have a load to carry and he even went faster than mom!

A closer shot of them through the mesh :)


trina said...

The pictures of your boys turned out great! Your fun activity pictures are good too. It's been nice having at least some days of good weather.

Kelly said...

Your boys are so cute!! It's funny how Colby is all Tim and Parker is all your family. All three of my kids are all Stones through and through. I'm jealous of your flowers. Every Spring I regret not planting bulbs and here it is Spring again and no pretty flowers (except the pathetic ones that were already here when we bought the house).