BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, March 16, 2009

What a weekend!!! The weather was lovely...

We finally had a weekend of lovely weather and we got a jumpstart on the yardwork. Our yard is almost weed free(for now) and preen has been laid down to prevent future weeds (we hope), although we ran out and so we will need to go get some more. Hopefully this is the year where our garden gives us some really good results. In the past we have only had a few things grow instead of everything we grow. It is never to early to think ahead and be prepared. We signed up for memberships at the Bountiful Rec Center - so if anyone ever wants to hang out at the bubble, let us know. Or just chill at the pool. = ) We put Parker on the grass and he didn't like it one bit. Maybe once it greens up and gets a little softer things will be different. Of course he should be walking by then. When we weed, Colby likes us to find worms. He likes to hold them in his hands and then he will put them back in the dirt when he is done playing with them. Which usually leads to us having to find more worms! Silly boy!

Anyways that was the weekend! I hope everyone else was able to get out and enjoy it!

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