BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

December 2009

Well December was busy like always. My Uncle and Aunt moved in with my parents since their house sold so we had fun eating dinners with them most nights. We went to the Michigan vs Utah Utes basketball game. We did the normal trip to see the lights. We had christmas eve at my moms with her brothers and all the cousins. We had christmas breakfast at my cousin liz's house since Uncle Kevin is moving :( We helped make breakfast casserols to share. The boys enjoyed their christmas. Colby got like 7 transformers and that pretty much cured him of his gimmie gimmie gimmie attitude at the store asking for them. What else is there to ask for when you have it all. He got clothes and a cool school computer. Parker got a wagon and he seriously sat in it the whole time we opened presents. It was cute! He got toys and clothes also. The day after christmas we went with my parents, sister and nieces to Hardware Ranch to see the elk and go for a sleigh ride! New years eve....well I did the normal falling asleep at 9:00 on the couch so Tim had to ring in the new year all by himself!!! Does anyone else never have something to do on new years and want to start a tradition with us and ring it in with us?

The elk!

This is my moms, sister, dad and Nieces on the sleigh ride at hardware ranch.

Other people enjoying their carriage ride!

All of us waiting happily for the ride!! Well my sister looks confused and my dad well that's almost his bitter beer face!

My Aunt Lori surprised with a ring from her family

My sister and Parker enjoying Christmas Breakfast.

Parker enjoying his new wagon

Christmas can sure wear a boy out!

Pictures so early?

Very blurry picture of us enjoyoing lights on temple square

our whole family enjoying temple square.

Michigan players at the U of U vs Michigan game!

This is a blanket I made for my cousin Kiera who had her first baby boy.


Matt and Elisa said...

WOW! That blanket is so good. I wish I were as talented as you!

Chris and Jamie said...

Super cute blanket - feel free to make one for me, no clue when I'll need it, so anytime is good :)
SERIOUSLY cute family, your boys are adorable!
As for New Year's... in the past we've done fondue and Tripoly, but it's faded as people have other things to do with their lives than play with us (I'm a little too competitive) so we had a "let's celebrate that we don't have to go to work tomorrow" dinner party with the neighbors. Simple, easy, done by 10:00, bed by 11:00. Good times.