BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cake Decorating Class

I decided to take a cake decorating class. My sister Malene joined me. She didn't like spending money on it and it wasn't good for her diet! She has done soo good on her diet and frosting I guess is her weekness. Thank goodness it's not mine. Here are the finished products for course one. I start course 2 tomorrow(by myself, well a girl from my ward happened to take it with me and she is moving on to course 2 also) One weeks out come isn't on here. We did cupcakes and I didn't have time to really decorate them and so they weren't picture worthy.

This is my first class. The butterfly fly marks are scuffed on one side because I accidentaly stuck my finger in it when cleaning up my station! It even tasted really good. Chocolate with carmel pudding in the middle.

This is my sister completing decorating her first cake. She didn't have time to finish it during the class so she is finishing at home

Her finished product on her first cake

Final cake in the last class. This Is Malene's last cake. She did good on the Roses and it was cute.

This is my last cake for course one. The Icing I had was horrible so it was hard to work with. But I have lots of trouble with the roses. but this is what I did in the end. I take my cakes to work because they are to big for us to eat at our house so I had to write something and since tomorrow we start the state employees working 4 tens I put the slogan the govenor came up with. Most of the coworkers didn't like it. They wanted to celebrate something else!!


Susanne said...

I am so freakin impressed!! Those are some fancy cakes. Sounds like a lot of fun. Please keep the pictures rolling!!

trina said...

You did a great job on the cakes!

Shannon Ireland said...

Your cakes look great! And I completely agree on the Saturdays girl's day!