BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Parker's First Teeth & Colby's Cute Sayings

Parker got his first two teeth this week. His first tooth came through on Monday and then Saturday his second tooth came through. It was his middle bottom teeth. He is 5 1/2 months old. He was such a good boy when he got them and is cute. His is starting to stare at people and really focus on them. He smiles at everyone he sees and smiles at him. He is a really happy boy and we love having him in our family. He has been on Solid foods for about 2 months and he loves to eat!!! He is a Davis through and through.

Colby is getting bigger every day. He is really cute and says the cutest things. He is starting to say "um no thank you" and When I ask why he does suff or likes something he say "Because I mean" For example "Colby why did you get out of bed" "Because it means I woke up". He is really into Toy story Movies and The bee movie. He will say "Black and Yellow....Hello" and he loves Buzz Lightyear and puts a golf club behind his back and runs around saying he's buzz and then he wants us to fly him and when we put him down he says "That was falling with Style". Style sounds more like Kyle. When we were camping we were all in our friends tent getting dressed for the day and Tim was taking off the shirt from the day before and right when he lifted up his arms colby said "Dad what's that smell" I about busted a gut laughing it was so funny and perfect timing. He has a cute personality and he is getting very creative.

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