BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Guests at Selecthealth's summer party!

My sister Malene works for Selecthealth and she invited me to be her guest at their summer party. It was at Franklin Covey field. We had lunch. Hot dogs and Hamburgers and everything that goes with those. They had a lot of Activities for kids so we picked one and did the face paintings. It was fun but extremely hot! The next saturday they all got to go to a bee's game and bring their families. Luckly my sister Scored enough tickets to take her and my family with her!! Colby got kind of bored but it was fun!! We got the tickets in the shade so it was perfect. The Bee's got blown out in the game so we left early! It was late for the kids too.

Me, Malene and Megan (malene's co-worker/friend/carpool buddy etc.)

Malene's face painting

I didn't want the painting on my face so I had a baseball put on my leg it was fitting for the baseball field we were at and Tim was playing in the Region softball tournament for church that day too! I also have two boys and I thought Colby would think it was cool!

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