BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bad cough and Teeth

My poor little Parker is getting 4 teeth all at one time. At first I thought he was just getting his big two upper teeth but come to find out the two just one both sides of the big teeth just cut through today and the big ones are still coming. He's had some fussy moments too. Since I am off work still until this thursday post surgery I have got to spend some time with my boths how fun it has been. I can't lift them but it's been fun. At lunch today Parker was sitting on the table next to me As I picked up a piece of Colby's treat he didn't want I ate a bite of it and took it right past Parkers face not knowing he would throw a fit that he didn't get anything as it went by. I just thought he was crying about something else. So after Colby took a nap and my mom ate her lunch I actually got to eat mine. and My mom was holding him by me and each time I took a bite he Arched his back and started crying. This was all after he just ate almost a whole yogurt( he would have eaten the whole thing but I didn't think his little body should have that much) So I took him in my arms as I ate and he opened his mouth everytime I went to take a bit. So I let him have a taste each time and he enjoyed it. It was just a sandwhich wrap so he just was able to like some of the dressing off the tortilla. He thouroughly enjoyed himself. He's not suppose to have table food for another couple of months but he wants it bad. He is so cute.

He has also learned to fake cough. He will do a little fake cough and we will say oh bad cough and he will smile at you. The first day he did it my grandma was holding him and my entire family was sitting around on Sunday after Sunday dinner and My Grandma wasn't talking to him or paying attention. So he turned to her and did the fake cough and she talked to him and he started to smile and laugh. And today when my Uncle Jim came by for a visit my mom was talking to him and Parker was fake coughing so my mom would pay attention to him. It is so cute!!!

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