BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, October 9, 2008

First Baby Meme

I was tagged by my friend Amanda

1. Were you married at the time? yes
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant? Excited! Followed by doubt because my husband didn't believe the test.
3. How old were you? 25
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? Pregnancy Test
5. Who did you tell first? besides Tim? Tim took the test with me...well he didn't pee too he was just there at the results. We came up after that to my moms house with cookies that said, grandma, grandpa, aunt etc. So we told My mom, Dad and Malene
6. Did you want to find out the sex? Yeah I have to know
7. Due date: Um am I suppose to remember that. Oct 24th or something like that.
8. Did you deliver child early or late? Early..about a week
9. Did you have morning sickness? THE ENTIRE TIME AND ALL DAY LONG
10. What did you crave? Nothing really just different things at different times. Just normal type cravings.
11. Who irritated you the most? Um I don't remember. I didn't get to irritated I dont' think....this is one Tim should answer
12. What was your first child's sex? Male
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 15 I think
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Nope just sick
15. Where did you give birth to your child? Lakeview hospital
16. How many hours were you in labor? 7am-10:15 pm
17. Who drove you to the hospital? Tim
18. Who watched? Tim and My mom
19. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? Who wouldn't..hated Anethesiologist though
20. How much did your child weigh? 6lbs 6oz
21. Why did you name him/her the name you picked?I wanted to name him Hogan but too many of my family around with that last name still. I had heard colby from someone around the time we found out and Colby Hogan sounded good together.
I going to tag: Julianna, Jenn, Becca and whoever else wants to

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