BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

September 2008

We have had a busy month....I mean it was National Stay at home week on TV starting this month.....We have our schedule but Wednesdays are the only day we don't have a show we are addicted too during weekdays. I have been having my cake classes on Mondays, I play on the Ward volleyball team on Tuesday nights....for some reason when I get put on one or the other of the two teams our ward has that team looses.....not good! I hope it's really not my fault. Tim is playing on our ward football team on thursday nights. They are doing good. We got most of yard ready for the winter. Pulling up our petunias and planting bulbs for the spring. We have gotten our first year of raspberries....not enough yet to make jelly or something but we have had a few snacks. We keep busy. We love our boys.

Parkers has learned to sit up. He is starting to jabber. He has only rolled over a couple of times but is so so so cute. Colby can make him laugh just by looking at him. He is so precious and we love every moment.

Colby just says the funniest thing everyday. He talks better and can understand so much I just can't believe how big he is getting. He will be 3 in 19 days......

We went to the fair this month and looked at the animals. We ate at the Cow association(or whatever) and had fresh tender beef sandwhichs. My sister and sister in law weren't impressed but the rest of us liked it. Me and my mom shared a bavarian cream funnel cake...not as good as I thought it would be. We all got cheap sunglasses there. Tim and I went into the Dish Tv truck....well we ended up signing up so Tim could see all his Michigan Games....and We have Tivo we can record without tapes. We record a lot of our shows we don't want Colby to see (maybe we shouldn't be watching either) We got the internet...but our modem hasn't come yet and so we don't have it yet and we will inherit an old Computer from my parents.

That's our month in a nutshell...sorry for rambling.

1 comment:

Julianna said... guys are stepping into the 21st century. :)