BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, October 9, 2008


So I have been sick with Nauseousness for about 5 weeks and then I started with Liver pain. Went to the Dr a couple of times. I got on prilosec incase I was having some of my dads stomach problems. Then the pain came so I got a CT done they thought they saw gall stones so I went to a surgeon on Monday. He said it sounds and looks like gall bladder disease....well needless to say once you ahve stones they don't go away you just get attacks whenever they feel like it. So he if you want it out I had a cancellation for tomorrow or I will be out of town for a couple weeks and we can take care of it after that or whenever you like. I was at a good place when I left work so I decided to do it Tues oct here I am two days post op with a body part missing. I hope it makes me feel better after the scars are healed. I had a scary thing no one told me about but Tim. But I guess somebody labeled the Anethesia wrong and I got epidural drug in my IV instead of Dye and so I had to have an antidote and then they had to monitor me for Cardiac arrest. I heard someone talking to my nurse as I was coming out of it about Cardiac arrest and ICU but when I could talk and asked how it went she said fine. I am going to ge my medical records so I know what really happened. Tim Didn't quite get what the doctor told him what happened. But everything went good and I am fine. My darn shoulder hurts more than the 4 incisions. I guess they pump you full of air doing surgery and you get phantom shoulder pain.


dlkenney said...

I am glad to hear everything went so well and quickly. I wish you a fast recovery.

By the way, I am making my blog private at the end of this month because of some scary comments, so if you would like to continue to read it, I will need your email address.

Becca said...

Scary! I'm glad your ok and hope you feel better soon.

Julianna said...

I still can't believe we didn't know about this! I'm really sorry!! Scary about what happened but I'm glad everything is okay now. You will fill MUCH better to have that little "pain in the gut" gone!